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Q&A: Sun Microsystems' Jonathan Schwartz
05.04.06, 6:00 PM ET
Forbes: How are you different from Scott?
Schwartz: There’s ample evidence of our differences. You need only look at our haircuts or sports preferences, or he drinks Budweiser and refers to wine that comes out of a bottle as “fine wine.”
All that said, we have a different orientation. In the past four years, we’ve spent our time and money revamping the product lines, stabilizing the customer base and driving some core efficiencies. Four points of gross margin improvements in the past four years is a good example of that. I’m going to be more oriented for growth. I see a market emerging around us that is only growing. And we’re going to take our fair share of that market opportunity. I’m not sure Scott had an opportunity to do that in the past four years, and that’s where I and my team are focused.
Where did Sun go wrong?
The problems in the 2001 time frame could be neatly summed up by saying, When the fish are jumping in the boat, you’re focused on building the biggest boat you can. We ended up with $7.5 billion in cash, pervasive quality problems and a real strategic disconnect with where the market was quietly heading--in part because we were much more interested in monetizing the high end than we were worrying about the adoption of the core software assets on the low end.
What Scott and I have been together doing with our management team is orienting the company to intercept the next wave of adoption. One of the things tough to explain to folks is that revenue is a lagging indicator. The biggest customers we have today are really the customers that subscribed to our core hardware and software architectures a decade ago. So when you’re investing in free and open source software--and free computers, for that matter, and free storage--you’re investing in that next generation of architecture wins that will yield significant revenue. So we’re seeing startups around the world adopt Solaris. They’re certainly focused on Java as strongly as they’ve ever been.
We’re seeing thousands of customers come to our “try and buy” hardware program, come to our Web site and get a free server and try it out. And we’re investing in that growth because the market is growing. And because the demand for the types of innovation that Sun builds will only increase as long as we’re on this planet.
Will you be a more voracious consumer of network services next year than you were this year? Will you listen to more digital music, watch more digital movies, make more digital phone calls? The answer can only be yes. They’re banking more online, interacting with airlines more online. Those are our core customers. So I think the market opportunity is only unfolding before us.
You’re trying to woo customers with free hardware. How do you make them paying customers? You haven’t monetized Java proportional to what’s out there.
That’s a misnomer. Largely an American misnomer. Nearing 1 billion Java handsets.
So what’s your Java revenue?
Close to $13 billion.
That’s not money in Sun’s pocket, though.
It’s like asking a company that produces generators how much of their demand comes from people using electricity. It’s 100 percent.
But it’s about how many customers are paying you for the privilege of using Java.
And I’ll point out that a billion handsets fuels an enormous market in the telecommunications industry. Java running on Sun’s Java Enterprise system, whether it’s at American Express or General Electric or Vodafone, is fueling Sun’s overall revenue. Asking us how much money we make on Java is like asking Verizon Communications how much money they make on handsets. The fact is that they lose a fortune on handsets, but they make a fortune in subscribers.
So are you going to convert Java users to subscription service for Sun?
Partially, we’re already doing that. American Express runs on the Java Enterprise system. That’s per employee subscription for core middleware for Sun. My broader point is that Java ensures Sun has access to an open market. Java allows us to reach out to customers who don’t run on Sun hardware and ensure we can serve them wherever they may be--whether it’s on a Dell box or HP box or in an IBM customer base.
Again, it’s hard to explain to people. Here’s an analogy. With the advent of electricity, Thomas Edison tried to patent a lightbulb so that you would have to use his lightbulbs if you used his dynamo. That strategy obviously failed. And what emerged was the standard plug. Asking Sun the value of Java is like asking GE--which is, I think, the largest manufacturer of power turbines in the world--what the value of the standard plug is. It ensures they can serve a global marketplace. So if you asked them what’s the value of the plug, how would they respond?
Here are some stats on Java: There are more than 1 billion Java cards in the marketplace, securing everything from set-top boxes to handsets. There are more than a billion Java handsets, all driving demand for network infrastructure. There are nearly 1,000 members of the Java community process, who collectively contribute to the standard called "Java." It is the default standard for set-top boxes in Brazil. So what will the infrastructure opportunity be in Brazil to serve 100 million Java-enabled set-top boxes? I promise you it will be enormous, and Sun will be among many participants that can serve that demand.
Will we see double-digit profitability for Sun again?
If you mean, do I aspire to double-digit profitability? Absolutely, yes.
Are there unrealized assets within Sun? What can generate cash in the short term?
I’m scouring the company right now to drive two basic goals. One is to see what technical efficiency and operational efficiency we can drive. I’ve been a bit of a maniac on that for the past four years. That’s why we’ve driven gross margin improvements, radical improvement in our cash conversion cycle and, along with Scott, reduced the real estate holdings of the company by 6 million square feet. When it comes to efficiency, there are no two bigger fans in Sun than
Is that to be closer to friends or closer to your enemies?
That’s to be closer to a partner in arms to drive efficiency across the company. And our point is that if the CEO and CFO can share an office, you can too. Why? Because it will allow us to free up cash and capital that we can use to invest in our shareholders and long-term innovators.
The other thing I’m going to be focusing on is leveraging that efficiency to drive growth. So we’re doing a comprehensive review of every product development activity at Sun, every market development activity at Sun and every element of our operational re-sourcing. We’re doing that to drive simplicity. Simplicity is often very complex to engineer. When you do, the net result of that is that you free up cash.
Do you need to do R&D in everything? Do you need the chips? Can you spin off your chip work?
The companies that have exited innovation in the past five years, they are erstwhile competitors who are now becoming our partners. Of the 5 million Solaris licenses we’ve distributed in the past 12 months, nearly 70% have been to customers running Dell, HP and IBM hardware--dominantly onto HP hardware. So what used to be a competitor for Sun has now turned into a channel.
That would suggest you don’t need as much of the hardware.
No, that would suggest we have opportunities to reach into the HP customer base to serve our mutual customers, just like running those Advanced Micro Devices-based] Opteron servers allows me reach into the Red Hat or Microsoft Windows installed base.
But doing R&D to support chip work when [Sun Chief Architect and co-founder] Andy Bechtolsheim says that Opteron is great stuff--do you need all that R&D?
The only R&D in which we will invest is that R&D that delivers an attractive return to the long-term business.
And what’s the time frame?
Measured on a reasonable time frame. Look, we’re in a business that famously punishes short-term thinkers. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Before I came to Sun, Scott was being lobbied to adopt the “Chicago project," and he was told by a lot of pundits that if he didn’t do it, he’d disappear into anonymity. But the companies that adopted the Chicago project--which, if you don’t remember, was Windows 95--you can’t name them any more because they lost their ability to differentiate. So I believe in differentiation and in the value of innovation that converts into revenue in the customer base.
How about your cash? Will you get better than money market rates for your $4.5 billion of cash equivalents?
Ask Mike Lehman about our cash management practices. Second, we’re going to be looking as a consolidator across the marketplace and identifying not only organic investments but inorganic investments to create long-term opportunity.
Does Sun have more opportunities for acquisitions?
There’s no question in my mind that entering this next phase of the adoption of the Internet there will be ample opportunities for acquisition.
One of the biggest assets we have at Sun is a fabulous channel. In the marketplace, at the scale that Sun operates, people buy from people. So we’re going to invest in those folks to make sure that as we build and buy new innovations, we’ll have a channel that can deliver them to the marketplace. Most Fortune 100 banks don’t buy infrastructure off a Web site. They want to sit down with a systems partner and architect the future. That’s what we’re able to do. That gives us permission to go off and do acquisitions that introduce that technology into our customer base.
Was the StorageTek acquisition just about generating cash through renewal revenues?
It was a bet on data. One of the first customers I met after we bought StorageTek was Yahoo!, who had chosen StorageTek as their archiving platform. We think the appetite for storage--whether it’s tape or disk or file systems used to store it, will only grow. That’s why we’re investing to get in front of that. With that acquisition, we brought in a third of the world’s archived data, because StorageTek technology has been used to archive that platform.
So that brand--StorageTek--means security, it means efficiency, to about 17,000 customers around the world that have now become Sun customers. And we’ve been able to deliver new innovations, from our basic NAS and file system technology all the way back to running Solaris to optimize their infrastructure.
What’s your plan for the first 100 days?
The first 100 days is designed to do four things. No. 1: drive a corporatewide inventory of every asset at our disposal. I’ve asked
Second, Anil Gadre, our chief marketing officer, and Don Grantham, who heads our global sales organization, are doing a comprehensive review of our go-to-market resources, which is where the people and programs and infrastructure that allows us to reach out to the global marketplace are. We do business in about 70 countries. We want to make sure we’re focusing on the right customers and the right segments and the right opportunities.
Thirdly, Mike Lehman and Bill MacGowan [chief of human resources] are looking at the company’s overall resourcing, all of the corporate assets. So where’s the cash, where’s the real estate, where are the business properties, where are the people who are operating the properties?
The net result will be Mike Lehman and I looking at how do we drive growth. The orientation of all of this is, How do we drive growth? And to be clear, I mean growth in SUNW. It’s not simply revenue growth or earnings growth, because again, I can get revenue growth very quickly by entering unattractive businesses and just spooling them up. We’ve seen some of our competitors do that. I can drive earnings very quickly by just packing and slashing away at the organization. Short-term, there’s no question I can pop the earnings. The question is how do you architect the business so you get long-term sustainable earnings growth, which ultimately drives the value of SUNW.
So my 100-day focus is on a complete inventory of absolutely every asset and opportunity and process we have at Sun, so at the end of that I can make a statement to the marketplace as well as internally around: where is the opportunity, how are we going to orient around it and how are we going to ensure that we can deliver effectively on behalf of our shareholders?
Why couldn’t you do this as COO?
Partially because you’re looking at our real estate and cash management functions, and that’s not something that reported to me historically. And frankly, what we have been doing over the past four years, we’ve radically improved product quality. Since 2001, our product quality and cost of defects are fabulous, better than historically they’ve ever been. Massive improvements in cash conversion cycle, and a $1 billion improvement in operating income. We’ve had 12,500 jobs out in the past four years.
So, these are things we have been doing. What’s different now is we have an opportunity to revisit a lot of the assumptions that have always gone into that exercise. Frankly, that’s a derivative of leadership change. It’s not that Scott and I are diametrically opposed, but I’m a different human being. And when there’s a change in leadership, you get an opportunity to revisit all the basic assumptions.
What’s one of those assumptions?
I have a different opportunity because we’ve been focused for the past four years on operational efficiency and revamping the product line. I’ve got an opportunity to focus on growth.
What companies do you admire?
There are lots of companies I admire. You can’t help but admire what Steve [Jobs] has been able to do at Apple Computer, which has been all about focusing on the consumer experience. I think you can’t help but admire what Google’s been up to. It’s really defying convention and building a business model based on "free." Frankly, the one individual I admire--and I’d point you to my blog--is my boss, because he’s had the tenacity and courage to invest in a vision, even when the marketplace told him that didn’t make any sense.
I was talking to a reporter who said, "When do you believe we’ll pass by the era of the PC?" and I said, "You must live in a very rich neighborhood, because last time I checked there were 10 times the number of mobile handsets than PCs. And by the way, most of the world will experience the Internet first on their phone.
Do you think there’s an opportunity for a merger with one of those companies you admire?
You want me to speculate?
[Laughs] We view ourselves as a bit of a consolidator in the industry around network innovation. With some of the core and fundamental assets that are behind the network that all of us use, from Solaris to Java to Sun Fire, we’re going to go take full advantage of that.
Do you see opportunities for Sun in the consumer market?
Our core customers are consumer companies. Verizon, Cingular,, eBay--these are large-scale consumer companies.
Will you sell to consumers directly?
We work with Nokia and Motorola. When you turn on your Razr phone and go play a game, you’ll see the Java logo. Do I expect us to be in the consumer service business? Stay tuned. As I said, everything’s on the table. And part of the next 90 to 100 days is to do a comprehensive review of growth opportunities.
How do you get the growth back?
Look at the size of the market we’re trying to serve--it’s huge. Will you be a more voracious consumer of network services next year than you were this year? Will you listen to more digital music? Watch more digital movies? The answer can only be yes. We want to be the power grid for all that--the General Electric of the Internet.
Everybody assumes a commodity market means a no-value market. Well, the biggest companies in the world are the ones that serve commodity markets. Exxon Mobil, Citigroup. So the network is a commodity. We should all revel in that.
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