Monday, October 23, 2006

Column: Why Apple Won

Letter From Silicon Valley

10.23.06, 6:00 AM ET

Burlingame, Calif. -The best piece of management advice I’ve ever heard came from a boss who said his job was to set the bar for performance incredibly high and cheer like crazy for his employees to clear it.

I thought of that advice this past week as I set my iPod to “shuffle,” and flipped through a new book on the iPod and that sultan of Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs. The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture and Coolness, by veteran journalist Steven Levy, is a gushy but fascinating set of essays about the iPod. (Levy and his publisher have taken iPod’s “shuffle” motif to heart: Every copy of the book starts with the same essay, entitled “Perfect.” The next eight essays, however, are “shuffled” and so appear in different orders in different copies of the book.)

Every great company starts with some phenomenal product. The hard part is doing it again, and again, and again.

Google's big breakthrough was its search engine. Since that smash hit, Google has been vacuuming up talent and then giving them enormous latitude. (See: "Who's Really Running Google?") Managers encourage engineers to spend about 20% of their time on projects they’re passionate about. This lets Google crank out dozens of new products and widgets a year, but few have had much impact. And the company's most notable new products are ones that started outside the Googleplex : GoogleEarth and now YouTube.

What has been most remarkable about Apple Computer under the steely scrutiny of Steve Jobs is the number of genuinely big hits the company has rolled out. It certainly has not invented everything it sells. But because we’ve seen Apple with Jobs and without, the company is almost a laboratory experiment of the role of top management in turning an idea into a “perfect” thing.

In his book, Levy vividly chronicles the story of the birth of the iPod in the essay entitled “Origin.” The first team of engineers who tried to squeeze a thousand songs into a gadget that fit in your pocket was a team from Digital Equipment’s Palo Alto, Calif., research division. (Interesting historical note: A group of engineers in that same lab also invented a marvelous search engine called AltaVista, which, before Google, was topnotch.)

Other companies, both in the U.S. and Asia, were scrambling to create small MP3 music players. Still others were working on software that would simply let Macintosh computers play MP3s. None of this was going on at Apple.

By June 2000, Apple executives, starting with Jobs, realized that they would be missing a big opportunity if they didn’t jump into the music business. Apple snapped up one tiny company that had written Mac-based music software. What was missing from that product, Levy writes “was the trademark conviviality that characterizes just about everything that Apple does. Steve Jobs would not tolerate a program that was ugly or acted ugly.”

For music aficionados--and Jobs counts himself as one--playing music on computers wasn’t good enough. (Most of the speakers were lame.) None of the first flush of MP3 players was good enough. The only answer was to build a player that would be not just good enough but awesome.

Levy’s account has all the great details--how Apple contracted with an outside developer to put together a prototype, how Apple strong armed the guy into working full time for the company. (“I’m doing this for your own good,” Apple executive Jon Rubinstein loftily told the engineer, who would have preferred to make up his own mind.)

Where does Jobs come in?

At every go or no-go checkpoint. On every detail. Engineers were told to finish “builds,” in-process prototypes of software and hardware, on Fridays instead of more typical midweek deadlines. “I think ... they were giving the build to Steve, who would take it home for the weekend and play with it,” one engineer told Levy. Mondays started with long “to fix” lists.

“Steve would be horribly offended [if] he couldn’t get to the song he wanted in less than three pushes of a button,” another engineer said.

“Jobs certainly has an aesthetic that permeates the whole company,” Levy told me, when I asked him about Jobs’ influence on the iPod. “He can be super, super critical--it can be very frustrating to work with him.”

There are more than a few stories about people who worked their hardest on a project only to have the results razed in a review with Jobs. “Yet after a horrible evaluation, you crawl back to your office and try again--and this time, you surpass what you thought you could do,” Levy says.

Ideas can germinate anywhere. Getting you to surpass what you thought you could do is ultimately the job of top management. Somebody has got to hold up that bar insanely high. That can make for an agonizing work environment or an inspiring one, depending on how the critiques are delivered.

Just remember to cheer like crazy.


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