BURLINGAME, Calif. -Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most innovative of them all?
The answer to that question will be measured in the hundreds of millions--hundreds of millions of consumers, devices and eventually dollars--or, more appropriately, some other currency that isn't falling through the floor.
The device of this generation is clearly the mobile phone. Every company worth its market cap is scrambling to figure out how to make itself fundamental to the delivery of information via a handheld device. We are at that sweetly transitional moment in an industry when innovation truly counts, when consumers buy a product because it delights or serves them--not just because sticking with what they have is far easier than switching to something new.
I can't take credit for the phrase. There's a wily guy over at the Stanford Business School who is giving some 30 graduate students a tutorial on how to break into somebody else's business. His name is Andy Grove. (You thought Grove had retired? Guess again. He just has different intellectual stomping grounds these days.)
A few days ago, I slipped into the class Grove teaches jointly with his longtime Stanford collaborator, Robert A. Burgelman, to get an earful of what it means to innovate in a field that already exists. Their class is scrutinizing a number of industries: energy--particularly the automobile industry--media, health care and telecommunications.
Grove and Burgelman offer up a checklist of symptoms of an industry ripe for disruption. Among them: Is it a slow-growth industry? Is there little business model innovation? Are there incumbents who have established "rules" for the industry.
"Disrupters" to that status quo typically show up from other industries. They need to have enough scale and resources to make a real difference. This isn't a game for low-budget startups; you've got to have enough muscle to make a dent in a field where there are giants. Disrupters are hungry. They're risk takers. And most important, they are not prisoners of their own prejudices and past decisions--a newcomer to a field can see the problems of a static old industry differently.
Both Apple and Google were enormously innovative during their early days. Both created industries.
But only Apple, so far, has shown it can hurdle industry boundaries and shake up a staid market--namely, the market for portable music.
The secret weapon Apple brought to music? Putting all the pieces together seamlessly using the power of software.
Other companies, starting with
Apple's iPod is lovely to hold. But Apple's deep insight was that the innovations that could reshape music players weren't based in mechanics or hardware. It's software that lets people sync their iPod to their computer, to shuffle songs, to manage playlists and so on. "Software" becomes a code word for describing the way we organize information in our world.
Fast-forward to mobile phones: The fundamental difference between the iPhone and everyone else's phone, once again, has also been in how Apple organizes the myriad of functions and resources on the phone--again, software. The rest of the device--even the lovely big screen--is just a window into how Apple thinks about organizing the world.
Google thinks about--and organizes information--differently than Apple. Next week, we're likely to see how Google would organize the world's information and deliver it to a small device, formerly called the "cellphone." Google also likes to move with a caravan of developers and fans around it. Certainly the company's recent announcements about building an open environment for those who develop applications on social networks underscores Google's desire to capitalize on the power of the crowd.
Grove's class hasn't finished analyzing the emerging phone market. They have some good ideas of what helped Apple triumph in one new market, but the school year will be over before we have data that reflect what consumers deem the most compelling innovations in this arena.
But one element is clear: Consumers will benefit from such cross-boundary disruptions, in mobile communications and elsewhere.
http://www.forbes.com/technology/2007/11/02/apple-google-iphone-tech-cx_ec_1105innovate.html Sphere: Related Content
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