Forbes Magazine dated September 01, 2008
Dale Dougherty and Tim O'Reilly are the Thomas Paines of the DIY revolution.
If the do-it-yourself trend is a revolution, then Dale Dougherty (above, left) and Tim O'Reilly (right) are its Tom Paines.
Their three-year-old quarterly magazine, Make, is the DIY manifesto, urging readers to unleash their creativity with little more than a screwdriver and a soldering iron. Want an electric guitar? Start with a cigar box. Need an aerial picture of your house? Try rigging a camera to a kite.
The playfulness of Make, however, disguises a provocative and potentially disruptive trend: giving individuals the power to change hardware just like they do software. "Why can't I do to my car what I do to my computer?" asks Dougherty, Make's publisher.
"We're seeing the collision of computing and 'stuff,'" adds O'Reilly, who is widely seen as a digital age prophet. "It's telling us something about the shape of the future. It's a bellwether." (To see our pick of techno-wizards, check out "In Pictures: Eight People Inventing The Future.")
Neither O'Reilly, 54, nor Dougherty, 53, is an engineer. O'Reilly majored in classics at Harvard University; Dougherty was an English major. "I make books," declares Dougherty.
But they're awfully good at spotting trends. As the software industry began to gel in the mid-1980s, they wrote computer manuals, hawking their soft-cover books at conferences. The collaboration grew into a small trade press house now called O'Reilly Media. Their books became travel guides through the rough landscape of computerese: Perl, Python, JavaScript and the Internet itself. These were books for people-in-the-know, the antithesis of "Dummy" guides.
The books positioned O'Reilly and Dougherty at the front of every technical trend. "We didn't get to sell books; we sold a movement," says O'Reilly, who became the leading evangelist and public face of the company, now based in Sebastapol, Calif., a 90-minute drive north of San Francisco.
As the Internet was unleashed from government and university labs in the early 1990s, O'Reilly and Dougherty rode the waves, publishing the influential, if optimistically named, Whole Internet User's Guide. (It's now out of print.) They created one of the first Web portals, the Global Network Navigator, which cataloged sprouting Web sites. (AOL snapped it up.) Their business grew to $70 million in revenue by 2001, then crumpled by almost 30% when the dot-com bubble burst.
But once again, they spotted the first bump of the next wave. In 2004, the pair hosted a conference on open-source software. Dougherty dubbed the efforts "Web 2.0," suggesting technologies that turned the Internet from a place that displayed content into an active tool shop of programs that mashed together information (maps meet numbers such as sales data spreadsheets and tallies of fishing hauls). Web 2.0 has become a dominant trend in enterprise computing.
O'Reilly Media now runs about 18 conferences each year, including a delightful science program, "Science Foo Camp." These are serious alpha-geek gatherings--and they have helped the company, as of last year, reach $76 million in revenue (see "Back To Silicon Valley's Future").
It was Dougherty that, a few years back, started drawing connections between a different set of distant dots: the profusion of powerful, cheap electronics; a deft software hacking community; crafting as popularized by Martha Stewart; and the growing green--or recycling--rage. "Dale had the genius to say 'These are part of the same movement,'" O'Reilly says.
Make debuted in 2005, part book, part magazine, evoking the techno-enthusiasm of the 1950s with a splash of new-age punk. Rather than writing about people who invent, Make is a recipe book of invention. Dougherty scoured the Web to find people inventing gadgets and invited them to describe, step by step, how they did it.
It was a quick success and now has a paid circulation of 120,000. Next step: inviting all those enthusiasts together. This year's "Maker Faire" held in San Mateo, Calif., drew a crowd of 65,000, up from 20,000 in 2006. Austin, Boston, Chicago and New York are on the short list for future Maker Faires. In January, Twin Cities Public Television will debut a weekly Make television show.
O'Reilly is also selling kits to help jump-start wannabe DIYers--much like the old Heathkit models so many older engineers used as kids. They come wrapped in retro brown Kraft paper and include projects like the $15 "Make a Blinkybug," an electronic gizmo with LED eyes and sensors, or the MintyBoost USB Charger Kit ($20) that turns an old Altoids tin into an iPod charger. The kits are a decent business for O'Reilly, pulling in about $1 million a year.
The company is also putting money on the line by seeding some venture companies. The investments are tiny by Sand Hill Road standards; O'Reilly raised money from limited partners to create an investment fund of $52 million. Individual investments are $500,000 to $1 million apiece. So far, O'Reilly's sunk money into 10 start-ups, including wifi device maker Chumby and travel site TripIt.
"Our mission is to amplify what's already happening," O'Reilly says--the Web circa 1992 or the early days of Web 2.0 all over again. Hardware, or "stuff," is becoming as customizable as software. It seems like fun and toys now, O'Reilly and Dougherty say, but here's their prediction: from the hobbyists will spring new technologies, ideas for companies, and, ultimately, a new industry.
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