Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Tech-media power couple moves on

Fortune Brainstorm Tech

Adam Lashinsky

Tech journalism loses Corcoran and Anders

It's a sign of the times that two of the tech world's finest, most seasoned, intelligent and nicest journalists no longer are plying their trade for the mainstream media. That they're also married means an entire household's prodigious output isn't finding its way anymore into the pages of two important business publications.

Elizabeth Corcoran and George Anders, she formerly of Fortune competitor Forbes and he formerly of The Wall Street Journal, are on their own these days.

Anders, a bigshot columnist and book author who spent years at the Journal in multiple postings, left a while ago. He reports that he's working on a book on talent. He writes: "It's a panoramic look at all sorts of fields ranging from venture capital to pop music, sports, teaching and medical-school admissions.

"The core idea is that the people who do it really well have a surprising amount in common. The book will explain why picking talent is so hard for most organizations, how some folks get it right — and what the rest of us can learn from them."

His editor is Adrian Zackheim of Penguin Group's Portfolio imprint, the same fellow who edited Anders's previous book, Perfect Enough, about former HP (HPQ) CEO Carly Fiorina. Anders says the book will be done within the next year.

Corcoran is a keen science writer who worked at the Washington Post and other places before joining Forbes. She's leaving the writing trade altogether to do an education-oriented startup. "The goal," says Corcoran, who, like her hubby, I'm proud to call a friend, "is to help teachers find and share the 'best practices' for using technology in the classroom so that they are freed up to inspire kids and help get them ready for the challenges of the future." The startup is called Lucere, and it's tagline is "Learn. Share. Teach. Inspire!" Look for its Web site, lucere.org, soon.

Daily and bimonthly journalism's losses are the book writing and startup world's gains. Good luck, George and Betsy.


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