Monday, October 19, 2009

Playing For Real Money

Start-up kaChing wants to rip the covers off the mutual fund business.

By Elizabeth Corcoran, 10.19.09, 12:00 AM EDT


For the past 14 years, Andrew F. Mathieson has run Fairview Capital Management in Greenbrae, Calif., a $400 million investment fund. It's been a nice investment opportunity for those well-heeled enough to get in Fairview's front door: Mathieson has insisted that anyone who wants to become a client plunk down $1 million for the privilege.

Mathieson is now one of the "genius" investors using a start-up Web site called kaChing to chronicle some of his trades. Starting Monday, adults with $3,000 (and adequate net worth) can now register an account that will "mirror" the trades that Mathieson will make. Past performance is no guarantee that a trader will make money in the future, of course. But along with other investors, Mathieson plans to share some of his investing research and rational--all of which should give even modest-size investors a detailed picture of what is happening to their money.

The devil may truly reside in those kinds of details. The burning ambition of the people behind kaChing is a radical one: The company wants to use Internet technology to upend the $3.7 trillion mutual fund business. What was once adequate disclosure--say, quarterly mutual fund reports--now seems as antiquated as smoke signals, suggests Andy Rachleff, chief executive kaChing and a co-founder of venture capital firm Benchmark Capital. "You have no idea what you're buying when you buy mutual funds," he declares. Instead, Rachleff and kaChing propose to use Internet technology to let small-dollar investors perch on the shoulder of their investment gurus and not only watch where every penny goes but assess whether those choices were thoughtful or simply lucky.

Like many newly hatched start-ups, kaChing got its start in 2007 as a game-like application on Facebook. Founder Daniel Carroll created the virtual investing site. Those who wanted to play got $10 million in virtual dollars to invest in whatever equities caught their fancy. The site tracked their performance and asked them to share their reasons for making investments. Carroll himself began investing under the watchful eye of his mother at age 15; he says he eventually made enough money to help pay his college bills.

Carroll connected with long-time venture capitalist Rachleff, wooed $3 million in funding from investment heavyweights including Internet guru Marc Andreessen and OpenTable Chief Executive Jeff Jordan. With Rachleff as CEO, the kaChing team built a stand-alone site that started letting people manage fantasy accounts online last December. Altogether, there are 400,000 registered users and about 150,000 active accounts.

It's hardly the first online investing site. In early 2000, Ken Kam, a portfolio manager with Firsthand Fund, created, a site that gives registrants $1 million in "virtual funds" and then lets them go at it. Some investors have boasted double-digit returns--at least on the Web. (See: "The Oracle of Manitoba") Marketocracy current has about 70,000 managers. Potential investors can mimic those managers' trades, provided they begin by investing $50,000. They also pay an annual management fee of about 1.9% of assets under management. (Editor's note: Forbes, too, runs a similar program with its affiliate, Investopedia, at Still others include Cake Financial (See "Piece of Cake,") and Covestor.

To become a manager whom others can mirror on kaChing, investors must establish an investing track record of at least one year's worth of trades. Investors must also publish information that explains the rationale they use for trading and must score at least 140 points on what kaChing calls its "investing IQ" scale. KaChing developed the algorithm inspired by the kinds of assessments that Ivy League endowment funds use to rate their money manager. The algorithm includes the risk-adjusted returns of investments, the investment rationale of managers (namely how well they can describe the reasons for their top positions) and a measure of how consistently they keep to their strategy.

Hitting 140 points qualifies an investor as a "genius" (and, not accidentally, would be a fine score on an old-fashioned IQ test, too.) So far, 10 people have earned that rank on kaChing. Not everyone is comfortable with the label. "My personal favorite definition is that a genius is merely a talented person who's done all his or her homework," says Fairview's Mathieson, who commands a 142 rating on the kaChing scale. (KaChing calculated that based on five years of data for one "typical" client account submitted by Mathieson.) KaChing founder Carroll is a 148. Both Mathieson and Carroll are outranked, however, by a few amateurs including top-scoring Min Thang (172), who works in health care at Stanford Hospital and Ryuto Andrew Kawai (154), a systems engineer.

Traders earn money on kaChing when other investors mirror their trades. Traders and kaChing split a management fee that is largely set by the traders but that Carroll expects will average about 1.25% of assets under management. (KaChing pockets about 25% and the investor scoops up the rest.)

When the real-dollar investing portion of the site goes live, Carroll and Rachleff figure that there will be about $2 million in real dollars invested. (The site does not accept 401K funds). Since kaChing lacks the cachet of a big brand-name mutual fund, Carroll contends that he's going after investors who will roll up their virtual sleeves and pay attention to the details. "We're going after people who are frustrated with their mutual funds and swayed by data," he says. "If they're ignorant enough to be swayed by a brand, they'll lose money." Of course, there will be plenty of folks looking for a quick buck, too. Wrote one recent poster: "Hi. I am new to this application help me out how to invest money."

Carroll says that kaChing has safeguards to protect against abuse and fraud. Investors have to share details about accounts that they're managing that they are not documenting on kaChing. Fairview's director of research, John Rutledge, says that the kaChing account will be treated with the same care as any other client--and that his firm already has rules in place to ensure that trades for one client do not unfairly disadvantage another.

Mathieson sees kaChing as providing the infrastructure that will let investors too small to qualify as his clients have the opportunity to use his investment services--if they like Fairview's investing philosophy. "Service businesses should be bought, not sold," he declares, meaning that rather than woo people with slick advertising, he'd rather let clients show up because they like the service he provides.

Even if Mathieson is averse to advertising, kaChing already has the kind of Web 2.0 swagger that attracts attention. The dozen-person operation recently moved into what was formerly a dry cleaner's store not far from Palo Alto's downtown strip, an area that has been home to the likes of Facebook and Ning. Carroll and Rachleff clearly like cheeky names and lack long-time Wall Street traders' superstitions (why else plan a launch for Oct. 19, a day that still makes old-timers remember the 1987 "Black Monday" plummet of the Dow Jones average?)

"Radical transparency is the only way to avoid some of the problems" of fraud that have wracked the investing world, declares Rachleff. But kaChing isn't just cleaning up investing. Grins Rachleff: "How often do you get to disrupt and improve an enormous industry?"

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